Wendy Williams before and after plastic surgeries

A lot of the stars of show business do plastic surgery that affects any parts of the body that they don’t like for one reason or another. Moreover, these plastic surgeries remain a secret and are not covered in the media by the stars themselves. Everything else is carried out by journalists: rumors, speculation and frank fiction. But our heroine Wendy Williams is not so secretive. She can openly talk about all the operations that have affected her body. Perhaps this is good, to tell the truth, to make it easier to sleep.

So, we bring to your attention interesting pictures that clearly demonstrate that Wendy Williams before and after are two different women. You can even play the game: “Find 10 differences.” All this is helped by the fact that Wendy openly admitted that she was doing liposuction, which, according to her, quickly helped her lose weight and allowed her to get into normal, beautiful clothes.

But still she was able to succeed and get some experience in the modeling business. All this talk about body perfection does not mean that you need to look that way and no other way. Wendy catches the viewer with her charisma and a confident look. In her early years, Wendy had a large face with a wide nose. She had broad shoulders and a straight back. We can say that Wendy was ready for show business from an early age.

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